Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Kitchen Philosophy
Friday, March 26, 2010
Favorite Things Friday
We'll see how long this lasts, but I have high hopes for myself.
This week there were three things that were my very FAVORITE.
The first is this video. It's titled 'The Future of Publishing.' If any of you now want to run because that sounds super boring I don't blame you, but DON'T GIVE IN! I saw this video posted on about 2000 other blogs (not really, it was about 4) before I finally decided to go ahead and watch it and it CHANGED MY LIFE. If you're into books, writing, reading, etc. you are probably (hopefully) going to love this. If you're not, I hope you appreciate it for the sheer creativity that there is to its design.
Seriously, it's one of the most unique, creative things I've ever seen. It's like I just watched an amazing movie and there is a huge twist at the end that you don't see coming and when you realize it's there it's BRILLIANT. I'll stop talking this up in case you hate it. But it's neat.
Now onto FAVORITE #2
These yummy amazing delicious HEALTHY Pumpkin-Oat Muffins. The best part? They're super easy.
Drumroll, please.
1 Cup whole wheat flour
1/3 Cup all-purpose flour
1/4 Cup Splenda
1/4 Cup Sugar
2 Tbs Honey
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce
2 eggs
1 Cup canned pumpkin
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
You're weird, Colorado
Monday, March 22, 2010
DIY of the Day

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Some of my favorite things
Friday, March 19, 2010
Utah 5X

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Chaos, Colds, and Camping
This has been a non-stop, barely-catch-your-breath kind of week. It's all been fun stuff (teaching, an overnight in the mountains with L's coworkers/friends, high school soccer games, a couple meetings, etc...) but I have had this cloud of a cold that's been hovering over me for the last week and I haven't quite been able to kick it to the curb. Or curve? I never know if I'm quoting the right phrase sometimes. Curb seems to make the most sense to me.
I digress.
I feel like I'm getting better though, and it might have something to do with the 9 hours (sheesh!) of sleep I allowed myself to get last night. I DO NOT want to still be sick when I begin hiking through the canyons of Utah while keeping my eyes peeled for snakes and bears and coyotes and flash floods and rodents of unusual size. I need to be on full alert!
Now, my friends, in case any of you have the misperception that I might be a super-cool, rough, hardcore kind of a gal for going backpacking with L let me assure you... this is not the case.
Yes, I love the outdoors. And yes, this will be a fun trip.
This isn't me, but imagine this as me in 3 days. This is what we'll be hiking through though... beautiful, huh?
However. I love showers. I love make-up and all things girly. I like cute shoes and have a slight addiction to purses. Shopping for no reason at all sings to my soul.
Because of the fact that L and I are going on this manly tough backpacking trip over Spring Break we agreed to go on a completly opposite trip for our 5 year (!) anniversary trip this May... COSTA RICA BABY! We have the flights booked and are planning where we're staying as we speak (write/read?) and I am BEYOND excited. Let me assure you there will be no hard-coreness in that trip whatsoever. That trip will include massages, delicious beverages, shopping, laying by the pool, and reading. And also massages. Relaxation and pampering at its finest. In Costa Rica. Amen, and Amen.
Until that beautiful trip of which packing will consist of the 4 S's as I like to call them... swimsuits, sunscreen, sundresses, and sandals...
Packing for Utah includes this:
and this:

and this:
Can't wait to show y'all pictures of the canyons of Utah of my own! Have a great week!
See you when we get back!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A dream is a wish your heart makes
The weekend. Oh, the weekend.
It was glorious.
I went home (2ish hour drive away) because L was off Playing Army this weekend and it happened to fall on the day of my niece’s 4th birthday party. 15 knights and princesses running around the house is quite the sight to behold on a Saturday morning. Then I went to a friend’s house and got to meet her new sweet baby boy. Then I met up with my mom.
And. We. Shopped. The shoes that were bought are breathtaking. Simply breathtaking. I have a slight obsession with shoes, my friends, and these satisfy me to the depths of my soul. I dreamt about them last night. Not kidding.
Back to things that matter, like my family. Last year I talked with my sisters and ran an idea I had by them on how to handle the birthdays of their kiddos. There are 5 (soon to be 6) nieces/nephews on my side and 3 (soon to be 4) on L’s side of the family. Needless to say, that’s a lot of birthdays to buy presents for. And, let’s be honest... they have TONS of toys and probably don’t need another $15.00 something from Auntie Sarah. So, my brilliant idea was that instead of buying material possessions for my sister's sweet little ones, I would take them out for a Special Day. Quality time is my present to them. Me and them. Them and me. Making memories. Chatting. Laughing. I love these days SO much. I look forward to the years to come and how this tradition is building that special bond between us.
So, my sweet little niece is sitting in the back seat as we drive to our birthday celebration destination (Chuck-E-Cheese- hello fun!) and we are talking about whatever her heart’s desire is. I was asking her all about her birthday party when she responded with:
“I don’t want to talk about my birthday party... I want to talk about DISNEYLAND!”
Clearly, I had no idea what I was talking about. I should have known the power of Disneyland on the psyche of a 4 year old.
So we talked about fun rides and which princess is her favorite (the Jasmine doll that she got to bring home won for toys, but actual Cinderella princess won for real princesses). I also got to throw in a teaching lesson on shoes: I was wearing my beautiful new pumps, but had ballet flats in my purse to change into when we got to Chuck-E-Cheese. She asked why... the fashion teaching begins...). It was a fun weekend.
Now, L and I are back home ready to tackle a pretty hectic week. I have to get up early in the morning tomorrow because I'm subbing (yay!) and have yet to choose what outfit I'm going to wear... those high school girls can be very judgmental. It'll be fun.
And now, for your viewing pleasure... here is the glory:
Friday, March 5, 2010
Things I Love
* Wednesday morning when L and I woke up at 6 to work out before the day started, made it to the living room and read for 15 minutes before falling asleep until 8. We then had to get ready for the day thus missing our workout. It was fun.
* The fact that I now live close enough to my family that I can go home this weekend to celebrate my niece's princess-themed 4th birthday party. Do I love Jasmine more? Cinderella? Maybe Giselle.... the Birthday Girl will let me know who is best.
* The entire week was a BEAUT. Bright blue sky, crisp spring air, mid-50s. Spring is coming, my friends. Spring is coming.
* My servant-hearted husband who just walked up to me with a grin on his face bringing me a cup of coffee that he had just made and doctored up for me just right.
* My discovery of this project. I haven't crafted much since our move to Colorado, but was re-inspired after seeing this amazing room. She uses it as a nursery (which is amazingly adorable) but until the need of a nursery enters my life, I just imagine it as a cute & cozy reading nook in our house. Maybe a spring break project? I'm on the hunt for supplies.
* Friday Follow! I am just LOVING these Fridays.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hurry up and wait
There were... nerves. Check.
There was... excitement. Check.
Sarah ventured into the unknown... Check.
There were fireworks, parties, and hoopla in general... Nope. UN-check that one for sure.
So I did it. I finally began contacting literary agents about my book. Or manuscript. Document. Giant THING on my computer. If you are a new friend on here and haven't heard about my story, you can check it out here. Basically, I wrote a book about my Army man going over to war several times and what that did to my heart, my faith, and our marriage.
As you might remember, I was FREAKING OUT about starting this process. I let go of thinking that each letter I sent out to these agents had to be perfect though. I just tried to get one the best I possibly could without worrying about all 50 being perfect. Slowly but surely I'll contact all of these agents on my list.
All of the pressure I put on sending out my query letters PLUS my excitement of the possibilities I was opening up equaled much anxiety and hopeful anticipation.
So I got my initial 4 query letters as good as they were going to be, obsessively read them 200 times in a row, pressed send, and....
No Big Band came marching through my house in jubilee. No phone rang of congratulations. Not even a little butterfly fluttered in my stomach. It just felt very... normal. It was weird.
Hurry Up and Wait was a phrase used lots in L's Army experience. They would have to rush to get somewhere only to wait in line or stand in a formation for hours on end. They would exit a bus being yelled at to grab their gear and get in formation only to find out that their orders didn't begin for another hour so they Hurried Up... only to Wait.
That is me right now. I rushed, hurried up, and freaked out over sending out these letters... if any agent is interested it will be AT LEAST 6-8 weeks before I get contacted. There's going to be a lot of waiting in the future.
In less dramatic and MUCH more exciting news, I was nominated for a blog award! How fun is that?! More to come on THAT soon!
Happy Tuesday everyone!